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Portland cement when dry is non-hazardous. When in contact with moisture (such as in eyes or skin) or when mixed with water to make concrete, mortar or grout, it becomes highly caustic and will burn (as severely as third-degree) the eyes or skin. Inhalation of dry Portland cement can irritate the upper respiratory system.

In 2004, cemtac Cement Company committed itself to sustainable development when it became the only J&K cement company to be approved by MES (Military Engineering services.). It seeks to balance the economic, social, and environmental impacts of society’s actions, recognizing that population growth will continue.

Cemtac management and other leaders in the cement industry believe concrete is an important product in achieving sustainable development.

Cemtac Cement Company involvement in the Cement Sustainability Initiative will focus on three broad areas: environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and economic prosperity. Environmental stewardship includes lowering emissions and other environmental impacts related to Cemtac’s operations. It incorporates land use practices and appropriate consideration of climate protection issues.

Social responsibility stewardship focuses on employees and plant communities. The aim is to provide employee well-being through improved health and safety practices and general job satisfaction. Plant community enhancements of quality of life are being achieved through dialogues and activities that support plant communities.

Economic prosperity begins by assuring that all who have a relationship with cemtac – employees, customers, local communities, – experience sustainable economic prosperity. Included in this area are approvals by local communities and regulatory agencies that permit cemtac to operate plants. The policies reflect that both regulatory compliance and environmentally responsible operation of facilities are necessary for long-term success and acknowledge that proactive corporate citizenship requires attention to the operating and management details that may affect the health and welfare of employees, neighbors, and customers.

Cemtac Cement Company commitment to environmental protection, employee health and safety, responsible business practices, and corporate citizenship was stronger than ever in 2008. It is a commitment that is demonstrated every day as Cemtac facilities are operated according to the directors’ health and safety policies